Kon-Tiki News
Welcome to Kon-Tiki News.
Have a browse and have a lovely day!

It’s that time of year again! Your heart is obviously very important, and an excellent thing to keep an eye on, but October is the month to remind you how you can jump-start it in an emergency! Shoctober is also known as Defibrillator Awareness Month.
A defibrillator can make or break an emergency situation — survival rates for a sudden cardiac arrest can increase by up to 55% if the first shock a patient receives is from a bystander.
So, in October, consider getting some training on how to use a defibrillator. Shoctober have an excellent website dedicated to all things cardiac arrest and defibs. If you’re looking to learn or looking to outfit your workplace with a defibrillator, the Cardiac Arrest Survival Foundation has a plethora of information available on their Shoctober website. Check it out!
World Mental Health Day
10th October

Australians are affected by mental illness and yet, don’t seek help because of the stigma associated? The 10th of October is World Mental Health Day — a day for global education on mental health, awareness and advocacy.
Do You See What I See? is a challenge that encourages the people of Australia to review their perceptions on mental illness and look at it in a more positive light. The aim is to reduce stigma and help pave a way for more people to seek the help they need and deserve. It should not be a shameful thing to seek help. It is a sign of strength, of wanting to get better, and a mark of incredible courage.
If you or any of your loved ones are affected by mental illness and feel as though you need help, we at Kon-Tiki Medical Centre can be of assistance. Our doctors are here to help you work out a mental health care plan and we also have a psychologist on-site you can see and talk to.
To book an appointment, give us a call on 1800 010 999, book online via our website or our APP(Kontiki medical centre) on APP store.
“Handwashing with soap is an easy, effective, affordable do-it-yourself practice that prevents infections and saves lives.”

Global Handwashing Day
Are your digits squeaky clean?
October 15th is Global Handwashing Day! For some, the means to wash our hands is something we take for granted — clean water and soap — and for others in the world it is a luxury.
Global Handwashing Day is a cause dedicated to raising awareness for the sheer difference that access to soap can make.
If you’re interested in the effort and what you can do to help, have a browse of Global Handwashing Day’s FAQ page and website!

That’s right! It’s that time of year!
September month marks our birthday!
September 17th. We’ve officially been open for two years in 2018.
It seems so bizarre that we’ve been open this long and seems though time has flown!
So, we’d love to take this opportunity to thank each one of you that attend our centre, give your love to our team, and ensure that we can keep our doors open.
Your support means the world to us and we certainly would not be here without you.
Therapy Dog Awareness Month

What’s better than puppies?
It’s time to celebrate man’s best friend! And not just any canine companions, but therapy dogs! Therapy dogs play such a vital role in the lives of so many Australian’s (over 20,000 a week!) and the excellent people over at Delta Society are determined to raise awareness for these wonderful pups.
For more information on what Delta Society does, check out their website.
And if you’re interested, you could also help out Guide Dogs Queensland and become a puppy pal! How cute is that?
Veteran’s Health Week
website26th October – 3rd November

Every year the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) takes the time to actively promote the continued wellness of all veterans — those serving or those retired — and this year the theme is “Mental Wellness”. Mental health is just as — if not more — important than physical health and it is often sorely neglected. For information on what DVA is organising in your area to support veterans this year, check out their page.
Just a little reminder!
We have a MOBILE APP! It’s available for download through IOS app store, Itunes and Google Play.
You can book appointments, check into your appointment.
Read health information and see videos of educational health documentaries.
It’s a one stop shop for everything Kon-Tiki, easy to use, and we’re very proud of the work put into it.

Check in our website page and download the APP directly.
Please call us on 1800 010 999, if any concerns arise.
National Diabetes Week

A complex condition.
Diabetes Australia works tirelessly to providing information and support to those living with diabetes. They have a helpline you can call, along with links of info and research for all types of diabetes. There is also information on how you can donate and help support Diabetes Australia in all the work they do.
So, if you or someone you love has diabetes or interested in learning more check their website out!

National Burns Awareness Month
As an initiative of Kidsafe, June has become the month for burns awareness. The aim is to create the greater awareness among the community in regard to burns prevention and the correct first aid treatment necessary, since with winter comes a significant increase in burns and incidents.
For information on how to administer first aid, along with how you can help support Kidsafe, check out their website!

Infant Mental Health Week
Let’s look after those little brains

From the 10th to the 16th of June, Infant Mental Health Week is dedicated to reaching as many as they can on the importance of giving every baby the best possible start in life.
Infant Mental Health refers to “the developing capacity of the infant and young child (from pregnancy to 3 years old) to experience, express and regulate emotions; form close and secure relationships; and explore the environment and learn,” all in the context of the caregiving environment that includes family, community, and cultural expectations.
It is well established that good mental health begins in early childhood, so any service that is dedicated to looking after kids is crucial and much needed. The Australian Association for Infant Mental Health is one such service and for more information on what they do and how you can help them, check out their website!
Red Apple Day!
19th June

Bowel cancer (also known as colorectal cancer) is the third most common type of newly diagnosed cancer in Australia.
Over 15,000 people are diagnosed every year, and over 5,000 die. And with 30% of cases being linked to family history or hereditary contribution, bowel cancer is a disease that deserves an appropriate amount of serious consideration and solemnity.
Bowel Cancer Australia is dedicated to doing all they can to research this devastating disease and support those living with it. They have excellent resources and details on their website on how they can help you, and how we can help them. Give it a browse and support an excellent cause.
27th June

Approximately 12% of Australians will experience Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sometime in their life, with serious accidents being one of the leading causes of PTSD overall.
PTSD is known as a set of reactions that can develop in people who have been through a traumatic event which threatened their life or safety, or that of those around them. As a result, one of the many symptoms of PTSD can see the person experiencing feelings of intense fear, helplessness or horror.
If you feel as though you or a loved one might be suffering from PTSD, Beyond Blue and the Australian Resource Centre For PTSD have some excellent information. There is information on PTSD, along with the numbers for helplines you can call. They are both wonderful resources for anyone in need.
World Asthma Day!
Let’s help everyone breathe a little easier

Asthma is a long term lung condition where those affected have sensitive airways in their lungs that react to triggers and cause a “flare-up”.
In a flare-up the muscles of the airways squeeze tight as they swell and become narrow. There is also more mucus and all these together make it harder for the person affected to breathe.
One in nine Australians have asthma. It affects those of all ages and while it cannot be cured, it is well controlled by most people by following a daily asthma management plan.
This Asthma Day, the 7th of May, check out Asthma Australia for information on how you can support this organisation. There’s also information on asthma research and training for people so they know what to do if someone is having an asthma attack!
It’s a great resource and definitely worth giving a read.
Palliative Care Week!
19-25th May

Palliative Care is a service provided to patients and their family where they have an active, progressive, advanced disease, who have little or no prospect of cure and who is expected to die, and for whom the primary goal is to optimise the quality of life.
It is a vital service that ensures a patient’s comfort in the time they need it the most.
To find out more information check out Palliative Care Australia!
MS Day
30th May

This year the theme for MS ( Multiple Sclerosis) Day is “Visibility”.
Many symptoms associated with multiple sclerosis are invisible, and there is the all too often overlooked and unseen!
Multiple Sclerosis is a condition of the central nervous system. It interferes with nerve impulses within the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. MS affects over 25 thousand Australians and more than two million diagnosed worldwide. It is estimated that 3 in 4 people diagnosed are women, with the average age of diagnosis being just 30 years old!
MS Research Australia has been dedicated to researching MS for the last fifteen years. Their website is a wonderful resource for their research, information for those affected.
Give them a look.
No Tobacco Day
31st of May

The most effective measure to improve lung health is to reduce tobacco use and second-hand smoke exposure.
The World Health Organisation is dedicated to World No Tobacco Day and this year is striving to raise awareness on the:
- risks posed by tobacco smoking and second-hand smoke exposure;
- awareness on the particular dangers of tobacco smoking to lung health;
- magnitude of death and illness globally from lung diseases caused by tobacco, including chronic respiratory diseases and lung cancer;
- emerging evidence on the link between tobacco smoking and tuberculosis deaths;
- implications of second-hand exposure for lung health of people across age groups;
- importance of lung health to achieving overall health and well-being;
- feasible actions and measures that key audiences, including the public and governments, can take to reduce the risks to lung health posed by tobacco.

Adults aged 18-65 years
Organisation Groups / workplace vaccinations clinics
Please send an email to to enquire.
For eligible patients, Kon-Tiki Medical Centre may be able to offer bulk-billing appointments.
IN THE CASE OF GOVERNMENT FUNDED VACCINATIONS, WE’RE EXPECTING THEM TO ARRIVE MID-APRIL. These vaccinations are free and recommended for Infants aged 6 months to under 5 years of age and Seniors that are 65 years and older.

Yes! The various strains of flu virus can change from year to year! This means that the vaccine must also change to protect against how the strains have developed. Even if the flu strains do not change, a yearly vaccination for influenza is still recommended since the immunity given from the flu vaccination is not long lasting.
The flu is also highly contagious. The more people vaccinated, the less chance the flu could pass onto someone at risk.
Parkinson’s Awareness

Currently, it is estimated that more than 80,000 Australians are living with Parkinson’s — 20% of which are of a working age.
Parkinson’s Australia has some wonderful information on both research, how they help those affected by Parkinson’s, and how you can support them too.
Give them a hand!
Heart Week
29th April – 5th May

Each year, approximately 10 thousand Australians die of a heart attack. Heart Week is dedicated to increasing awareness and education around the protection of this vital organ.
The Heart Foundation is an excellent resource for information on heart disease, heart attacks, heart research, and even healthy recipes! They are diligent in their support to funding research and helping those affected, and for all that and more, including how you can support them, check out their website!
World’s Greatest Shave
Are you brave enough to bare it all?

13th – 17th of March, as one of Australia’s biggest fundraising events, you can either shave, colour, or wax the hair on your head, chest, or face to raise money for those with blood cancer.
Blood cancer (such as Leukaemia) and related disorders can develop in anyone, of any age, and every day another 35 Australians are diagnosed. Although research is improving survival, blood cancer claims more lives than breast cancer and melanoma and sadly, an Australian loses their life to blood cancer every two hours.
But the crazy thing is that over the last two decades, more than 2 million Australians have participated in the shave. That amounts to an estimated 375 thousand kilograms of hair removed!
So, if you’re looking to shave, or just to support an event near you, check out the Leukaemia Foundation’s website for more info!
Purple Day for Epilepsy
26th of March

Founded in 2008 by nine-year-old Cassidy Megan of Canada, Purple Day was born in an effort to get people chatting about epilepsy and to inform those suffering from seizure that they are not alone. As someone with epilepsy herself, Cassidy was initially hesitant to tell others of her seizures because she thought they would make fun of her. But after the Epilepsy Association of Nova Scotia gave a presentation to her class, she had the courage to talk about her seizures with the other children.
And that is the vital core of Purple Day — to end the stigma and discrimination of epilepsy.
Epilepsy is a disorder of brain function that involves recurring seizures.
Roughly 4% of the population will receive a diagnosis of epilepsy at some stage in their life and for each person it presents in unique ways.
The Epilepsy Foundation is wholly committed to providing support and up to date information regarding epilepsy to those living with the disorder.
New Years Resolutions

Varicose veins are veins that have become visibly twisted and swollen, commonly occurring in the legs and feet.
We can help you fix them with ultrasound guided sclerotherapy.
Please visit our website for more information.
We have obtained the information for the newsletters from the health gov website, RACGP and children’s hospital website.