Patient Information

New Patients
We welcome all New Patients to Kontiki Medical Please fill in the form below before your first trip to the clinic.

We highly appreciate patient to follow up with their results, to allow essential disclosure and explanation of their results and further treatment plan.
It is the policy of this practice to have all patients return for a consultation for their results. Only in certain circumstances the nurse will be authorised to give results over the phone.

We have Bulk bill & Mixed & Privately Billing medical practitioners and we appreciate full payment of fees on the day of consultation. We use tyro for ease of payment.

Consultation is by appointment. Patients presenting without an appointment will be fitted in at the earliest available time. Urgent medical matters will always be dealt with promptly. Please “check-in” with reception on your arrival to avoid an unnecessary delay in the waiting room. Please cancel appointments prior to the allocated time.

Sickness Certificates
A certificate may only be issued after an examination by a doctor, so please make an appointment for this.

Telephone Calls
The nurse or receptionist can help determine urgency but most problems are best dealt with in a consultation.

Facilities for people with a disability
It is surgery policy to cater for people with special needs and disabilities. If you are experiencing difficulties please approach our staff who will be very willing to assist.

Repeat Prescriptions
In order to monitor your health and fulfill our ethical and legal responsibilities, we require that you attend your doctor (or if your usual doctor is not available, one of the other doctors) in order to receive further prescriptions for your medications.

Interpreter Service
Whatever your preferred language, we can help you organize an interpreter to assist with any language barriers.
We also arrange interpreters through NABS, National Auslan Interpreter Service, for our deaf patients.

Patient Confidentiality
We follow the Australian Privacy Principles at this clinic. At times your information may need to be shared with other Health Care providers via referrals or pathology/x-ray requests.

The doctors can perform many minor surgical procedures if required (e.g. removal of moles or skin lesions, treatment of simple fractures).
Cryotherapy (for skin cancers and warts etc.), nebuliser, pap smears and resuscitation equipment is available.

Doctors in the practice can perform electrocardiograms (ECGs), lung function testing, blood sugar testing, pregnancy tests and hearing Tests. Blood collection for pathology, X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, Mammograms, and endoscopy tests can be arranged elsewhere as needed.

Patient Rights and Feedback
We recognise patients have certain rights and we endeavour to support these rights. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services or if you feel your rights are not supported, we would appreciate your comments. Patient feedback forms are available on the Reception desk.

Waiting Times
No one likes to be kept waiting. Our staff respect this and try to adhere to appointment times. The unpredictable nature of a medical practice means that consultations sometimes last longer than anticipated. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused to patients when we are behind schedule. Please feel free to phone our surgery to check whether your appointment will be on time. Reception will also try to send you an SMS advising of any delay. If you require any assistance, please consult our friendly staff.

After Hours Care/ Home Visits
Please remember: – If you have a medical emergency telephone ‘000’ for immediate care. Kon-Tiki Medical Centre contract a medical deputizing service for after-hours medical care

Reminder System
We know it can be difficult sometimes to remember appointments. That’s why we have a computerized recall system. Our patients are reminded to attend appointments by SMS or email.